Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Meal Prep and New Hair (With Shopping List!)

Its that time of the week again! Meal prep! I like doing them on Sundays and Wednesdays. One, I don't work. I can roll like that. Two, I don't like week old food in the fridge LOL. I prepped a little more than usual for this weekend cause I have a wedding on Saturday and I'm going to be super busy. I need to stay on track cause... well, GOALS! I'll show you my carrying case for my meal prep at the end. :) This is super quick and easy and FAST! So I don't portion them out into a million container like  a lot of folks do. 1st off I don't have room in my fridge between hubs food and baby snacks. Its just not practical for me. 2nd, I'm a stay at home mom. I have a meal pack in case I have a day that I'm going to be running around, but I only use it on those days. I'm OK with measuring and weighing my meals out of large Tupperware from the fridge and microwaving it on my plate.

Also, I have tilapia listed, but did not picture it. I keep them frozen cause re-heated fish freaks me out. I don't even thaw them. They're individually wrapped and I just put it on a small pan lined in foil, spray cooking spray on them and season them then throw them in the oven at 415 degrees for 20 min. done. By the time I've portioned out my sides and heated them up fish is done and its time to eat. :) If you work then by all means do this by the bulk!

So lets start meal prep!! Here's my shopping list:

I like to note that this is half a week cause hubs eats this as well. If this was just for me and me alone, it would be enough for the whole week. :)


  • 1lbs all natural chicken breast (My store was weirdly out so these are boneless skinless thighs pictured)
  • 1lb ground turkey
  • tilapia

  • 2lb bag of red potatoes
  • 2 bunches of broccolini
  • 4 medium sweet potatoes
  • cucumbers
  • Bell Peppers
  • Flavor God in garlic lovers, Everything, and Lemon Garlic (note: you can use any salt free seasoning you like. These are just my favorites)
  • Pink Himalayan sea salt 
All of my fave seasonings. I honestly don't change them often.

So first I started with the thighs, simply because I was starving LOL!! I seasoned them with Flavor God garlic lovers, salt, and pepper. Baked at 375 for 30 min and done! Boom. First meal done. Now, I have some pictures, but they actually didn't get stored. Apparently hubs was hungry. Luckily I have a crap ton of Tilapia to make up for it lol. 
How could you not eat these at once! I was starving I tell you!!

While the thighs are cooking I prep the potatoes. I cut them into even pieces, drizzle with 2 tables of olive oil, and season with garlic and salt and pepper. Bake at 350 for 35 min. Transfer to Tupperware. 

Also while the thighs are cooking I make my ground turkey and brussels sprouts. I brown the turkey in the pan, cutting the sprouts in half as it cooks. When the meat is no longer pink I add sprouts, season it, and stir it together. They go in the oven with the potatoes for 20 min. 
Is that not a pretty picture of meat?? haha! 
The ingredients


Ok, so we are what, like half an hour in and already have almost the whole prep done? Bitchin. 

So while those last 2 things are cooking I cut the stems off the broccolini and seasoned them. I also cut up the bell peppers and cucumbers and put them into baggies for easy snacking. I also cut off the stems to the broccolini, added a tablespoon of olive oil, seasoned them to taste and transferred them to a baking dish. When my 2 other things were done I added them to the oven for 15 min. 
Cutting off the icky stems

Oh yea. I'm gonna eat the shit out these. 
Just cause I like my veggies to feel pretty too. 

The night before I had baked the sweet potatoes whole. I just wrapped them in foil and baked at 375 for about 45 min. I did that as soon as I got home from the grocery store cause they're so low maintenance. 

And there you have it, Meal prep done! The trick is simplicity. I love the way all these things taste. I don't get bored with them.
 I basically eat scrambled eggs and turkey bacon or make breakfast tacos from my last blog for breakfast every day. A sample of how I would do this would be maybe baking some tilapia and eating it with the broccolini and potatoes, or the brussels and turkey and eat that with a sweet potato. Thats really why I enjoy doing it this way. I'm not obligated to eat a certain meal, and by not eating the exact same things together all the time, I don't get bored with the prep! 
I put them all in containers and portion as I eat. That's what
works best for me. 

After meal prep mess....

I left the dishes for the maid. 
JK! I have the sweetest husband who did them while I was taking my photos.
 Isn't he the sweetest! And he does it shirtless. Oh heeeeeyyyyyy

In other news I also got my hair done today! I've been a red head for a year and decided for a change. We did a dark brown with highlights a few weeks ago, and today just added more highlights. Then hubs cut it. I'm so in love with my new hair!! I've been growing it from a pixie cut since 2012 and this is the longest my hair has been in almost 10 years. I'm so excited. 

I had this whole workout planned for today, wrote in my book and everything. (Yes I keep a workout journal. More on that later) But aunt flo came a knocking this morning along with lower back pain so bad that I actually took one of my husbands muscle relaxers (which I NEVER do) I did take a walk around the neighborhood in our wonderful 100 degree July weather, so that counts. :)

Here is my meal back I'll be taking along Saturday. I use them for busy days as well if I have a bunch of errands to run. :) I bought this little one off Groupon to see if I like it, and honestly its awesome. I think the bigger ones would've been too much for my needs.

Be sure to comment below with any questions or suggestions!! 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Leg day, Breakfast, and Post Workout.

Still a work in progress, but I love me. 

The workout

Basic Cable Kickbacks 4x12
Side Cable Kickback 4x10
Dumbell Curtsy Lunges 4x15 (each leg)
Sumo Squats (squeeze at top) 5x15
Bulgarian Split Squat Each leg 
      Goal was 4x12 but for whatever reason it made me dizzy.
Barbell Squat 4x10
Leg extensions 4x12
Russian twist (8lb med ball) 3x20
       Super set with
Sit up 3x failure 

Seriously, I can barely walk. I maxed out on all my moves except those Bulgarian squats. I only did 2x6 on it. I don't know why they made me so dizzy cause they usually don't. 

Pre workout were breakfast tacos. 
2oz Jenni O spicy sausage
2 corn tortillas
1 whole organic egg 
1 egg white
Cook the sausage, add the egg, make a taco! You don't even miss the cheese I swear! 

Post workout was my egg white cup! 
Muffin pan of 6, one slice of Jenni O turkey bacon in each cup, fill with egg white. Bake at 350 for 25 min or until egg whites are firm!

Mmmmm. Protein. 

Tomorrow I'll break down my version of macros, school progress, and more workouts! (Goal is to post a daily workout unless I'm repeating one of course!)

Introductions! First Post! Yay!

As I sit here, in the week before my 28th birthday, contemplating my life....

Ha! OK OK, not really. 

So this is my first post. I'm still in debate on the exact theme, but I'm thinking that recipes, fitness, and makeup will be hot topics here. Maybe even my bebe. I guess I can start by introducing myself until I decide exactly what to do. Not going to lie, this is a wine decision. I'm OK with that. I'm *shudder* almost thirty.... 

My name is Malorie. I live in Texas where the beer is cold, and everything else is FREAKIN HOTTER THAN HADES. Specifically I'm in Austin, TX. Most people think Texas is this whole boot wearing, cow tipping, gun slinging kind of place. Now, don't get me wrong, the hubs calls all the girls "darlin'"  and we both have accents... but I have never ever tipped a cow in my life. Swears. No. I do not ride a horse everywhere. In fact I was thrown off one and have had a fear since. YES, I got back on a horse years later. That thing saw the fear in my eyes and took me back to the stable. I'm not even joking. 

On a side note my new boots came in today!

All that being said, Austin isn't like the rest of the state. Lots of hippies, lakes, and events. (Look up Austin events and you'll see what I mean.)
See? Just look at that water baby! LOL

So I really got into fitness in 2010. I lost 40 pounds, met my husband, got married in 2012 and then pregnant in 2013 and here I am at a weight of... well we don't need to get into specifics but needless to say I'm losing that baby weight! I have a beautiful little boy who was born January 31, 2014. Slow and steady wins the race. I gained 100 pounds with him, and I'm down 60. I'm changing up routines hoping to drop the last 40 so I can continue my fitness journey where I left off in 2013.
After losing my 40 pounds, but still had goals. 

2014: 39 weeks pregnant with sumo baby

 What I would like to do on that front is share my workouts, track my progress, meal preps, recipes, etc. I love to cook! And love taking pictures of my food so this will be a little less weird than for instagram. LOL!! I plan to be 100% honest about supplements, foods, set backs, etc. I wanna get real up in here. 
Sample of my food! I post recipes on insta too! @malorie512

I would like to note I've been a hair stylist for 10 years, and I'm a professional makeup artists. I'm wanting to post reviews, tips, tricks, and videos. I think it will be loads of fun! 
Natural glam. :) 

And comments or suggestions just let me know below. I'm open to ideas. Note: I know I type how I talk. I like that. I feel its going to be more real. 

My husband, son, and myself.