Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Leg day, Breakfast, and Post Workout.

Still a work in progress, but I love me. 

The workout

Basic Cable Kickbacks 4x12
Side Cable Kickback 4x10
Dumbell Curtsy Lunges 4x15 (each leg)
Sumo Squats (squeeze at top) 5x15
Bulgarian Split Squat Each leg 
      Goal was 4x12 but for whatever reason it made me dizzy.
Barbell Squat 4x10
Leg extensions 4x12
Russian twist (8lb med ball) 3x20
       Super set with
Sit up 3x failure 

Seriously, I can barely walk. I maxed out on all my moves except those Bulgarian squats. I only did 2x6 on it. I don't know why they made me so dizzy cause they usually don't. 

Pre workout were breakfast tacos. 
2oz Jenni O spicy sausage
2 corn tortillas
1 whole organic egg 
1 egg white
Cook the sausage, add the egg, make a taco! You don't even miss the cheese I swear! 

Post workout was my egg white cup! 
Muffin pan of 6, one slice of Jenni O turkey bacon in each cup, fill with egg white. Bake at 350 for 25 min or until egg whites are firm!

Mmmmm. Protein. 

Tomorrow I'll break down my version of macros, school progress, and more workouts! (Goal is to post a daily workout unless I'm repeating one of course!)


  1. Malorie! I'm so excited you have a blog!! Ajay posted a link on facebook :) I am going to try out this workout tomorrow! I have been thinking that I should start working out on the days I don't go to Zumba. You have officially solved that problem for me!

    1. Awe yay you found me! You really gave me the idea! So far I'm liking it! You can do it! I'm thinking its not all going to be workouts. I'll do makeup tips and just life updates in general. Yay!
