Monday, August 17, 2015

July Faves and New Makeup

So its 9am for me here in Texas as I'm writing this. I have not finished my coffee yet, and I know its later than it would be for the average mom but 2 things happened. 1. My toddler that normally goes to bed at 7pm decided it was play time then screaming time until 10pm. I swear he was like that drunk friend that just wouldn't go to bed. (we've all been there you know it) 2. Said toddler usually sleeps till 9am but decided it was a 7:30am kind of day. I know.... I know... I shouldn't be complaining. Please don't throw your coffee at the computer. It only hurts your computer because I'm in Texas. Needless to say I'm TIRED. 

Ok, now on that note I'm going into this blog without a plan. LOL. I'm eating breakfast, drinking my coffee, going to the gym after this and I guess do laundry. LOL. I purchased this meal plan that does carb cycling. I'm 4 days in and no issues. I like the food, its simple, and I meal prep so thats good. I'll be giving an update on that after 2 weeks. :)

Ok, so onto the point! I'm dedicating this one to products. I'll list the products I use almost daily because I love them so much. Hooray! LOL. Fear not! I have a few drugstore products in this list as well. :)

Lets start with my new Mac products. Fix+ is not new to me, I just went months without it and now that its back I'm wondering how I survived LOL. The rest I've been using a month or more and decided to share. 

First is the Mac Warm Neutral pallet. IN LOVE! Especially creative copper.. just saying its the perfect color on all skin types. I was in a wedding a few weeks ago and half the bridesmaids including myself had that color on their lids lol. Its $85, which is pricey, but the colors are beautiful and so pigmented you really don't need a lot. This will last a long time. 
Soon pretty! 

Seriously in love with all colors here lol. 

So for primers I decided to try the prep and prime Natural Radiance. I love it. It gives the skin this dewy look which is nice because I'm not into the whole matte thing. I use this instead of my moisturizer when I apply my makeup. The 2nd product is the fix+ I use it for multiple things. You can spray it on before to prime, which I sometimes do, but mostly I use it afterwards to set my foundation. I'll also spray it on my foundation brush or beauty blender to help really set and smooth my makeup. Its a mineral infused water and I feel everyone should have this in their life. Now they make some with scents and glitter, but I'm an old school gal and this is what I use. 
Left: Pure Radiance Right:Fix+

Moving onto lipsticks. I think its a lot of fun to go to the mac counter and be like, I just need a new lipstick. I tell them how many I want to buy and we start to play. Its a fun way to look at different colors and build your lipstick collection. I went in this time and said I wanted a dark color, a fun color, and a nude. So I left with Diva cup, Velvet Teddy, and a brand new shade called CremeSheen. Diva cup is this purple mauve kinda color. I'm going to be rocking it so much in the fall don't you worry. Velvet Teddy is that perfect trendy nude that's going on right now. Like, I put it on with my Boldly There lip liner and Kylie Jenner and I could be lip twins, no lie. Cremesheen is just a super fun pink. I get sooooooo many compliments every time I wear it. I swear it matches any makeup look you are doing. LOVE LOVE LOVE. 

From top to bottom: Diva Cup, Velvet Teddy, CremeSheen

K. Bye Mac, we are moving on. 


Using Featherette lashes. Awkward pic, but them lashes look fly AF. 
Anyone that knows me knows I'm a lash freak. I'm obsessed. I wear falsies all the time, and when I don't I have a pound of mascara on lol. I saw a quote the other day that read, "Makeup without lashes is like a cupcake without icing" OMG so true!! So I finally jumped on that house of lashes train and I'm so glad I did! I'm never jumping off!! I also bought their glue cause I needed to add to my order for free shipping and figured, why not?

Top: Siren
Middle: Pixi Luxe
Bottom: Featherette 

Is this not the cutest lash case ever?? I got 2 for $10

I finally caved and purchased a beauty blender. OMG life changer. Just saying. My makeup goes on so much better, I use it wet to blend my concealer, its just amazing. I was skeptical but literally every youtube makeup peep uses it. So I caved. I know. I know. Peer pressure is a mofo. I love it though, seriously. Pictured below with them is my new summer bronzer. I've been obsessed. Its the bare minerals Skinny Dip Bronzer. Its more red than orange, and works perfect with my skin tone. I follow a girl on youtube that's very pale and it even looks great on her. Very natural is a big plus in my bronze book. 

I did pick up a few drugstore products too!! I founds some lipsticks, foundation and concealer. I love my Mac and bare minerals foundation but sometimes I wanna keep it cheap! LOL. So here are my recommendations for the face: Loreal Lumi and then I use the Loreal true match in Tan for a bronze look. It works great and looks really natural. I'm in love. And they don't smear in the Texas heat and stays on all day. Winning! 
I also found the Maybelline Fitme Concealer. I use medium for my face and light for under my eyes. :)
Lastly are the lipsticks. I'll list the brands and names under the pic, but aren't they pretty?!?!

Left: Maybelline Pink n Chic matte lip color
Middle: NYX Butter Lipstick in hunk
Right: NYX Extra Creamy Lipstick in Pure nude

That's all I have for now! I did just purchase some Sigma brushes that are supposed to be comparable to Mac. They just came in yesterday so I will give the skinny on that in my next blog or so. They were recommended by Jaclyn Hill and she's like, amazing so hopefully she doesn't let me down! 

Any questions or suggestions just comment below!! 

Malorie XOXO


  1. I love the beauty blender too. its just seems a much more smooth face, compared to a brush or even using my fingers.

  2. You should start doing unboxing videos too. those are very popular
